Category: Costs

  • Orsted pulled out of Two NJ offshore wind farms

    Orsted pulled out of the two New Jersey offshore wind farms and is going to pay either $100 million or $300 million in penalties, depending on who is interpreting the contract.  Link follows.  The statement from NJ Governor Murphy was sent to me (below) by one of the readers on my email chain with an…

  • Turbine troubles – wind energy

    The CNBC link documents the current global issues with Offshore Wind.  As their stock prices drop, their capital costs will rise and make it even more expensive to install these systems. Rich CNBCOctober 20, 2023 Turbine troubles have sent wind energy stocks tumbling — and a slew of issues remain

  • Energy transition can’t be completed without fossil fuels

    One of the readers of my emails sent me this article from Forbes, explaining why the energy transition can’t be completed without fossil fuels.. I would think that most of what is in the article is common sense, but that may not be so common anymore.   Rich Reality Bites: Why Wind, Solar, And Electric Car…

  • Wind Goals Likely Impossible

    The following article was in today’s Bloomberg.  It is copied below. Biden’s 2030 Wind Goal Looks Like It Simply Won’t HappenBy Will Wade and Jennifer A DlouhyOctober 18, 2023 As the price of construction climbs, developers are rapidly revising their plans — at great cost. When President Joe Biden in 2021 laid out a target of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore…