Category: Costs

  • Utility Rate Increases

    She is doing what she is required to do by law. The issue isn’t NYSERDA or the PSC, it’s the science and economics devoid CLCPA that was passed by the government.  Short of getting that repealed,  this will be the norm. What is she supposed to say in her tweet?  “We’re screwed and everyone knows…

  • Climate goals are at risk

    Most of the facts stated  in this article are true.  The conclusions are not, nor is the headline.  Climate goals are already at risk, even if they build the transmission lines. The renewable technologies being installed cannot produce enough energy.  Additionally, transmission lines that carry renewable energy are underutilized making them more expensive per Megawatt-hour…

  • EV’s & Highway Taxes

    The following article was in today’s Washington Post regarding EV’s and Highway Taxes.  I mentioned the gas tax issue in an email last week. The Republican Lawmakers are not incorrect, however their methods for rectifying the gas tax situation in some cases will not work. I have owned an EV for six years.  It…

  • True costs of wind and solar

    A reader sent me the following link.  I have researched the author and they take a primarily science and math based approach to issues. Extraordinary Costs Of Green Energy Creeping Slowly Into Public Awareness October 9, 2023, Francis Menton Of particular note in the article is the following caption, which I mentioned in an email…