NY State’s Energy Policy almost the equivalent of self imposed embargo
After 33 years of installing wind and solar, Germany is not even close to eliminating its reliance on fossil fuels. It’s only a question of which country they import the fossil fuels from. That used to be Russia. Going forward, that will be Qatar. They have realized that the policy proposed in 1990 is untenable…
Energy & Environmental Impact
Elon Musk wants to sell cars and batteries. He is not considering climate effects or grid effects and he is hoping that the politicians aren’t aware enough to understand the issue. His viewpoint is skewed but he is correct about the lack of generation. Regarding the Combined cycle plant efficiencies, I was working from the…
Future of Electric Load
The following link is to a WSJ article regarding Elon Musk’s view of the future electric load and the available generation to support it. Musk is warning that there will be insufficient generation to support the coming loads. Where I differ with Musk is that he wants to run existing generation 24/7/365 and store it…
As a member of the IEEE ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), I receive the IEEE Spectrum every month. This months issue is especially relevant to the issues that I have been addressing for four years. I received the link below yesterday. Non-members will probably not be able to access the documents, however, the preface…