Category: Costs

  • America draining ground water

    Several of my emails over the past four years have addressed land use and the effects of over pumping of the aquifer in the Central Valley of California on agriculture there and land elevation, as well. The following link is from today’s NY Times regarding over pumping of aquifers throughout the US. America is Draining…

  • Global supply chain can’t keep up with growth

    The global supply chain apparently cannot keep up with the growth of offshore wind accounting for many of the problems NY State is experiencing. Natural Gas Stands To Win As Offshore Wind Takes A Hit As I have said, NY State is not doing this in a vacuum and that is brutally apparent from…

  • NY Green Energy

    This article was sent to me today by someone on my email list. Filings show N.Y. green energy could cost 64 percent more on wholesale level Beyond the 64% cost increase that will be placed on the backs of NY State rate payers is this excerpt from the article, in italics. It noted that, since…

  • Solar Panels In Rural Areas

    The following link is to an article about a solar array being built near Dulles Airport in Northern Virginia outside of Washington, DC.  A pdf of the article is attached. Solar Panels to Surround Dulles Airport Will Deliver Power to 37,000 Homes Of particular note from the article are the two captions below, in italics. …