Category: Clean Power Projects

  • Clean Path Debate

    Regarding yesterday’s Politico, below, discussing Clean Path’s request for additional funding because other projects were also requesting more, Clean Path was already an $11 billion project for 3,400 MW of intermittent solar and wind generation.  See the following link: A giant clean-energy transmission line to New York City is now underway However, the article also states that…

  • NY Green Energy

    This article was sent to me today by someone on my email list. Filings show N.Y. green energy could cost 64 percent more on wholesale level Beyond the 64% cost increase that will be placed on the backs of NY State rate payers is this excerpt from the article, in italics. It noted that, since…

  • Solar Panels In Rural Areas

    The following link is to an article about a solar array being built near Dulles Airport in Northern Virginia outside of Washington, DC.  A pdf of the article is attached. Solar Panels to Surround Dulles Airport Will Deliver Power to 37,000 Homes Of particular note from the article are the two captions below, in italics. …

  • Green Power Gets Pricier After Years of Declines

    This link and article are from today’s WSJ and discuss the rising price of renewable generation. As long as renewables are used in conjunction with existing generation, their use will result in price decreases (or at least they used to).  However, once they get beyond a critical mass that requires storage installation and large modifications…