One of the readers of my emails sent me this article from Forbes, explaining why the energy transition can’t be completed without fossil fuels..
I would think that most of what is in the article is common sense, but that may not be so common anymore.
Reality Bites: Why Wind, Solar, And Electric Car Advocates Must Also Love Fossil Fuels
Jude Clemente, Contributor
I cover oil, gas, power, LNG markets, linking to human development.
Oct 15, 2023,07:01pm EDT
Forbes – Business – Energy
This is actually a very easy article to understand, a-political and non-partisan by any honest measure.
Unfortunately, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that there’s a whole bunch of people in our energy-climate discussion that just won’t accept what can only be described as very obvious and undeniable facts.
Let’s start with the basics: fossil fuels supply 80% of the world’s energy and about 80% of the energy consumed in the U.S.