Allied Converters, Inc. featured on Manufacturing Marvels
The energy saving information depicted in this video was implemented between 2002 and 2007 with planning dating to 1999. Allied Converters, after a six month tariff battle with Con Ed, became the first facility in NY State with multiple sources of high efficiency grid connected generation. 75% – 80% of the electric energy is generated onsite through solar and high efficiency combined heat and power. Con Ed has a utility interconnection named after Allied Converters. The carbon footprint of the facility is 40% lower than energy purchased from the utility system with transmission losses that are 75% – 80% lower. The higher efficiencies result in energy costs that are 60% – 70% lower that comparable facilities. Additionally, all energy generated onsite frees up transmission and distribution capacity for other customers. This will be critical as the state electrifies fossil fuels and utility load increases.
Data collected at Allied Converters was provided at no cost to the Public Service Commission in 2008. A Utility conference based on that data led to savings on the state’s high voltage transmission system of between 50,000 and 70,000 MWh and $5 million per year. To put that in perspective, that’s the equivalent of the annual output of a 60 – 70 MW solar array that would occupy 330 acres using technology that is invisible to the public.