Electricity generated by coal based power plants

The following link is from a Power Group open forum that I subscribe to.  The headline and the article seem a little disjointed.  I am not sure if the headline applies just to India, which is where the press release is from, or to the entire world.

Electricity Generated Coal Based Power Plants Grows by 10% between 2021-22 and 2022-23

Either way, it makes clear that increased coal generation is a major issue and NY State’s climate efforts are not going to come close to offsetting that or controlling that.  Third World countries are trying to raise the standard of living for their people and the cheapest way to do that is by building coal generation.  Contrary to the claims of the Climate movement, wind and solar are not the least expensive forms of generation if you have to add battery systems to support the grid when the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining.

Worldwide GHG Emissions INCREASED by 2.5 billion Metric Tons during the 2021 – 2023 time frame.  40% of that, or about 1 billion Metric Tons, was from increased coal combustion.

NY States Total GHG Emissions are 350 Million Metric Tons, but only 190 Million Metric Tons is from in state activities that will be affected by state policy.  160 million metric tons is associated with out of state sources like fossil fuel extraction that will continue whether or not NY State uses the energy.  The 190 Million Metric Tons is only 20% of the GHG related to increased coal combustion and is only 7% of the total Global increase in GHG over the past 2 years.  

Anything that NY State does will be a round off error with respect to the Global Climate issue and the monetary savings claimed by the CLCPA will not exist.

